It hasn't been days or weeks, it has been MONTHS since I last got on here and wrote something *shame on me.*
To sum things up...
I went on vacation to the coast
My boyfriend became an uncle(the lil guy tagged along to the coast),
My best fran came to visit, we thought it would be cool to take artsy photos of my roommates art @ 2am
and of the bottle we were working on...
I made out of this world jalapeno cornbread
Took a boat ride on lake Austin
I bought some purdy plants for fall!
I'm off today, still in my pj's (gasp!), thinking about dinner and what to cook and dreading going to the store because I know I'm gonna spend big bucks!
That's actually why I wanted to post something today. Have you ever been stuck when it comes to dinner? When you're just not sure what to cook? I usually call my mom first-we crave the same things, creepy. Her hubby is diabetic so sometimes her dinners don't sound to exciting. So you're stuck, chicken or beef, which veggies to serve, what sides, etc. Skimming through food blogs will answer any questions! I love to check out the blogs or websites and see what everyone else is making, it's better than flipping through a Martha Stewart mag or an old recipe book because A: it's free! B: someone out there really really made this and took pictures of it and was so happy and proud of it they decided to post it online for strangers to gawk and salivate over! C: There are endless amounts of blogs!
Here are a couple to get you started!,,,,,,, could go on but these are just a few to get you hungry!
Doesn't this sound good?